Right2Grow a Strategic Partnership
Right2Grow advocates for approaching undernutrition in an integrated way, between nutrition and WASH actors, gender and economic growth. It is one of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Civil Society Strengthening – Power of Voices Strategic Partnerships.
Engagement and capacity-building
Right2Grow collaborates with communities, community-based organisations and civil society organisations, including women and other marginalised groups, in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Mali, South Sudan and Uganda. Right2Grow helps local organisations collect their own data and stories on nutrition and WASH, and convert them into evidence to convince decision-makers to make better choices. We help them connect with government, and hold them to account.
Community-led development
Right2Grow catalyses change through scaling up and funding bottom-up, gender-sensitive approaches that cut across sectors and build on meaningful community involvement and ownership.
Action Against Hunger, the Centre for Economic Governance and Accountability in Africa (CEGAA), Save the Children, The Hunger Project and World Vision, as well as numerous local civil society partners in the six implementation countries.